

英国提赛德大学成绩单Teesside University Transcript

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英国提赛德大学成绩单Teesside University Transcript
英国提赛德大学成绩单Teesside University Transcript  专业设置
单科目(Single subjects) 
- 会计与金融(Accounting & Finance) 
- 成人社会关怀(Adult Social Care) 
- 航空工程(Aeronautical Engineering) 
- 航空航天工程(Aerospace Engineering) 
- 航空航天工程 (扩展)(Aerospace Engineering (Extended)) 
- 航空航天工程与工业(Aerospace Engineering with Industry) 
- 航空航天工程与工业 (扩展)(Aerospace Engineering with Industry (Extended)) 
- 应用的运动与锻炼(Applied Sport and Exercise) 
- 人工智能系统(Artificial Intelligence Systems) 
- 生物科学(Biological Sciences) 
- 生物科学 (扩展)(Biological Sciences (Extended)) 
- 生物科学专业经验(Biological Sciences with Professional Experience) 
- 生物科学专业经验 (扩展)(Biological Sciences with Professional Experience (Extended)) 
- 广播媒体制作(Broadcast Media Production) 
- 企业财务与会计(Business Finance and Accounting) 
- 企业管理(Business Management) 
- 化学工程(Chemical Engineering) 
- 化学工程 (扩展)(Chemical Engineering (Extended)) 
- 化学工程与工业(Chemical Engineering with Industry) 
- 化学工程与工业 (扩展)(Chemical Engineering with Industry (Extended)) 
- 化学(Chemistry) 
- 化学 (扩展)(Chemistry (Extended)) 
- 化学与专业经验(Chemistry with Professional Experience) 
- 化学与专业经验 (扩展)(Chemistry with Professional Experience (Extended)) 
- 童年和青年研究(Childhood and Youth Studies) 
- 土建工程(Civil Engineering) 
- 土木工程 (扩展)(Civil Engineering (Extended)) 
- 土木工程与灾害管理(Civil Engineering with Disaster Management) 
- 土木工程与灾害管理与行业(Civil Engineering with Disaster Management with Industry) 
- 土木工程与行业(Civil Engineering with Industry) 
- 土木工程与行业 (扩展)(Civil Engineering with Industry (Extended)) 
- 漫画、 插图小说和序贯设计(Comics, Graphic Novels and Sequential Design) 
- 计算机和数字取证 (扩展)(Computer and Digital Forensics (Extended)) 
- 计算机和数字取证与专业经验(Computer and Digital Forensics with Professional Experience) 
- 计算机和数字取证与专业经验 (扩展)(Computer and Digital Forensics with Professional Experience (Extended)) 
- 计算机动画(Computer Character Animation) 
- 计算机动画 (包括预科)(Computer Character Animation (incorporating Foundation Year)) 
- 电脑游戏动画(Computer Games Animation) 
- 电脑游戏动画 (包括预科)(Computer Games Animation (incorporating Foundation Year)) 
- 电脑游戏艺术(Computer Games Art) 
- 电脑游戏艺术 (包括预科)(Computer Games Art (incorporating Foundation Year)) 
- 计算机游戏设计(Computer Games Design) 
- 电脑游戏编程(Computer Games Programming) 
- 计算机科学(Computer Science) 
- 计算机科学 (包括预科)(Computer Science (incorporating Foundation Year)) 
- 计算机安全和网络(Computer Security and Networks) 
- 计算(Computing) 
- 计算 (包括预科)(Computing (incorporating Foundation Year)) 
- 计算 (网络)(Computing (Networking)) 
- 概念艺术(Concept Art) 
- 当代时尚(Contemporary Fashion) 
- 犯罪现场科学与专业经验(Crime Scene Science with Professional Experience) 
- 犯罪现场科学与专业经验 (扩展)(Crime Scene Science with Professional Experience (Extended)) 
- 犯罪学(Criminology) 
- 烹饪艺术和管理(Culinary Arts and Management) 
- 舞蹈(Dance) 
- 数据科学(Data Science) 
- 口腔卫生和牙科治疗(Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy) 
- 牙科护士实践(Dental Nurse Practice) 
- 放射诊断(Diagnostic Radiography) 
- 数字化讲故事(Digital Storytelling) 
- 数字战略发展(Digital Strategy Development) 
- 儿童早期研究(Early Childhood Studies) 
- 教育研究(Education Studies) 
- 电气与电子工程(Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 
- 电气与电子工程 (扩展)(Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Extended)) 
- 电气与电子工程与工业(Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Industry) 
- 电气与电子工程与工业 (扩展)(Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Industry (Extended)) 
- 工程(Engineering) 
- 英语学习(English Studies) 
- 环境科学(Environmental Science) 
- 环境科学 (扩展)(Environmental Science (Extended)) 
- 环境科学与专业经验(Environmental Science with Professional Experience) 
- 环境科学与专业经验 (扩展)(Environmental Science with Professional Experience (Extended)) 
- 时尚企业(Fashion Enterprise) 
- 美术(Fine Art) 
- 健身指导和运动疗法(Fitness Instruction and Exercise Therapies) 
- 食品和营养专业经验(Food and Nutrition with Professional Experience) 
- 食品科学与工程 (扩展)(Food Science and Engineering (Extended)) 
- 食品科学与工程专业经验(Food Science and Engineering with Professional Experience) 
- 食品科学与工程专业经验 (扩展)(Food Science and Engineering with Professional Experience (Extended)) 
- 法医和调查科学(Forensic and Investigative Sciences) 
- 法医和调查科学与专业经验(Forensic and Investigative Sciences with Professional Experience) 
- 法医生物学(Forensic Biology) 
- 具有专业经验的法医生物学(Forensic Biology with Professional Experience) 
- 法医心理学(Forensic Psychology) 
- 法医科学(Forensic Science) 
- 法医学 (扩展)(Forensic Science (Extended)) 
- 法医科学与专业经验(Forensic Science with Professional Experience) 
- 法医科学与专业经验 (扩展)(Forensic Science with Professional Experience (Extended)) 
- 游戏开发(Games Development) 
- 平面设计(Graphic Design) 
- 历史(History) 
- 酒店管理(Hospitality Management) 
- 人类生物学(Human Biology) 
- 人类生物学 (扩展)(Human Biology (Extended)) 
- 人类生物学与专业经验(Human Biology with Professional Experience) 
- 人类生物学与专业经验 (扩展)(Human Biology with Professional Experience (Extended)) 
- 独立游戏开发(Indie Games Development) 
- 信息技术(Information Technology) 
- 信息可视化(Information Visualisation) 
- 仪器仪表及工业控制工程(Instrumentation & Control Engineering with Industry) 
- 仪器仪表与控制工程(Instrumentation and Control Engineering) 
- 室内建筑(Interior Architecture) 
- 室内设计(Interior Design) 
- 国际商务管理(International Business Management) 
- 新闻(Journalism) 
- 新闻 (杂志)(Journalism (Magazine)) 
- 新闻 (体育)(Journalism (Sports)) 
- 法律(Law) 
- 市场营销(Marketing) 
- 大众传播(Mass Communications) 
- 机械工程(Mechanical Engineering) 
- 机械工程 (扩展)(Mechanical Engineering (Extended)) 
- 机械工程与工业(Mechanical Engineering with Industry) 
- 机械工程与工业 (扩展)(Mechanical Engineering with Industry (Extended)) 
- 媒体研究(Media Studies) 
- 助产 (预登记)(Midwifery (Pre-Registration)) 
- 移动应用程序开发(Mobile App Development) 
- 多媒体新闻(Multimedia Journalism) 
- 音乐技术(Music Technology) 
- 护理研究 (成人) (预登记)(Nursing Studies (Adult) (Pre-Registration)) 
- 护理研究 (孩子) (预登记)(Nursing Studies (Child) (Pre-Registration)) 
- 护理研究 (学习障碍) (预登记)(Nursing Studies (Learning Disabilities) (Pre-Registration)) 
- 护理研究 (精神健康) (预登记)(Nursing Studies (Mental Health) (Pre-Registration)) 
- 职业疗法(Occupational Therapy) 
- 经营部实践(Operating Department Practice) 
- 护理实践(Paramedic Practice) 
- 性能和事件生产(Performance and Events Production) 
- 表演艺术(Performing Arts) 
- 石油与天然气工程(Petroleum and Gas Engineering) 
- 体育活动、 运动与健康(Physical Activity, Exercise and Health) 
- 理疗(Physiotherapy) 
- 维持治安(Policing) 
- 产品设计(Product Design) 
- 心理学(Psychology) 
- 公共服务(Public Services) 
- 社会关怀 (105 L)(Social Care (105L) ) 
- 社会工作(Social Work) 
- 社会学(Sociology) 
- 特效电影和电视(Special Effects for Film and TV) 
- 运动和锻炼 (应用的运动科学)(Sport and Exercise (Applied Sport Science)) 
- 运动和锻炼 (指导科学)(Sport and Exercise (Coaching Science)) 
- 运动和锻炼 (个人培训)(Sport and Exercise (Personal Training)) 
- 体育和健身(Sport and Fitness) 
- 运动训练和运动(Sports Coaching and Exercise) 
- 体育的发展(Sports Development)